A way out of lockdown…

through listening to the fantastical, comical
and zoological adventures
of Aurora Halle McPhee,
read by Pippa Rathborne

The audiobook of Barbara Metzger’s
Regency romantic comedy
A Worthy Wife,
read by Pippa Rathborne,
is now on sale on Audible, Amazon and iTunes

There are a limited number of complementary review copies available. Please leave a comment here if you would like one.

Buy and download from Audible here:
US edition
UK edition
FR edition
DE edition

Portrait of a Lady in Turkish Fancy Dress by Greuze, c. 1790.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. (Image: Wikipedia)

The Regency created its own romantically sexy myth long before it was appropriated by later generations.

“John Arthur Douglas Bloomfield, 2nd Baron Bloomfield,
already a career diplomat at the age of seventeen, a pillar of the Establishment
trying desperately to look like poet, libertarian political writer
and social outcast Lord Byron,
painted at full Romantic throttle by Thomas Lawrence, 1819.
National Portrait Gallery. (Image: Wikipedia)”

by Pippa Rathborne